Educational support for future talent

We provide various support and activities to young people in order to develop engineers who will lead the future.

Support for Human Resource Development Using Yaskawa Facilities

Using the Robot Village (Yaskawa Innovation Center, Yaskawa History Museum, Robot Factory, Greenbelt) as well as each factory and robot center, visitors will be able to come into contact with technologies and products centered on “motors and their applications” that Yaskawa has cultivated over 100 years. The initiatives are intended to encourage interest in science and technology that is continuing to evolve on a daily basis, and will contribute to the development of human resources who will be responsible for next-generation manufacturing.

Holding classes for middle and high school students

A hands-on learning event was held for students at Fukuoka Prefectural Kokura High School and Fukuoka Prefectural Munakata Junior High School to increase their interest in science and technology. In fiscal 2022, the theme was “Environmental Technology,” and the event provided an opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge by learning about ECOVISION and 2050 CARBON NEUTRAL CHALLENGE of Yaskawa, environmental initiatives such as green processes and green products, and the latest environmental technologies. We will continue to provide attractive human resource development opportunities.

Hosting of a Girls’ Day at Yaskawa Electric

Since 2015, we have held an event called “Yaskawa Electric Girl’s Day” *1 every year for junior high school girls in Kitakyushu City, where our head office is located, to introduce them to workplaces in the field of science and manufacturing. In fiscal 2022, the event was hosted online due to COVID crisis, and a handmade motor workshop was held with female engineers from Yaskawa as the instructor, where participants learned the principles of motors. In addition, participants interacted with Yaskawa engineers through job introductions and round-table discussions so that they could have an image of getting engaged in what they like and care about as a job, regardless of gender.

*1: “Girl’s Day” is an open event started by the German government in 2001 for companies, universities, research centers, and other organizations to invite female students from elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools to promote female participation in the engineering career.

Supporting Robot Competition for Students

Since 2005, Yaskawa Electric has co-sponsored the annual Technical College Students’ Robot Contest, popularly known as the Kosen Robo-Con, in which engineers-to-be from around Japan compete in contests focusing on robot production ideas and technology as well as robot performance. Held since 1988, 2022 marked RoboCon’s 35th anniversary.
As a company in the robotics business, we support this educational opportunity in order to encourage many young students to get involved in manufacturing and in hopes of fostering the next generation of talent.

Gakken Educational Comic for Primary School Children “Hataraku Robot no Himitsu (The Secret of Robots in Manufacturing)”

As a part of the project for the 100th anniversary of the company’s establishment, Yaskawa published a comic book, “Hataraku Robot no Himitsu (The Secret of Robots Manufacturing),” as one of the series of educational materials for primary school children “Manga de Yokuwakaru Series (Let’s Learn It with Comic),” planned and produced by Gakken Publishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Gakken”) and donated the comic books to 22,000 primary schools and 3,200 public libraries in Japan through Gakken.
The series are Gakken’s educational materials, which introduce various themes in order for children to understand them easily, that have been popular among children for more than 20 years as recommended books by “The Public-Interest Corporation of Japan PTA (Parents and Teachers Association) National Council.” Assenting to its intent and purpose, Yaskawa supported this publication to foster children’s interest in manufacturing and expand their possibility for the future through industrial robots, one of its major products.


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