IR News

New Mid-Term Plan “Dash 25”

IRApr 20, 2016

YASKAWA Electric Corporation (“YASKAWA”, Representative Director, President: Hiroshi Ogasawara) has started implementing a new mid-term business plan for the period from 2016 to 2018, “Dash 25”. This period represents the first stage of YASKAWA’s progress towards realizing the new long-term business plan, “Vision 2025”.

1. Positioning and aim of Mid-term business plan “Dash 25”

In the new mid-term business plan “Dash 25” YASKAWA will establish a highly profitable business structure by maximizing results of previous mid-term business plan, “Realize 100”, and will build a foundation for realizing “Vision 2025”, while aggressively challenging in new business field / business model.

2. Financial goals


3. Main Policies & Strategies

(1)Main Policies and Objectives


(2)Main Strategies

①Maximize results of “Realize 100”

・Creating profits from investments in “Realize 100”

・Establish highly profitable business structure by releasing new products


②Build foundation for realizing “Vision 2025”

・New preparative approach to be world No.1 in core business

・Challenge in new business field/business model


③Grow Clean Power into core business:

・Global development of energy “Creation” and “Application” business fields


④Evolve “Glocal” management:

・Reinforcement of organizational and individual capabilities globally

(Glocal management: Management style defined by both a global management mindset and best local support capabilities anywhere in the world)


More details concerning the mid-term business plan can be found in the separate document “FY2016 – 2018 Mid-term business plan “Dash 25”



Corporate Communications Division

YASKAWA Electric Corporation



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